“One of the dangers, which the volunteer may face is that he or she may fall into the trap of seeing himself or herself and the inmate united against the officials and of the institution. The volunteer should always be conscious of this potential trap and should avoid aligning himself with either the inmate or that institution. This is all part of the need to retain one’s objectivity.” Canada Handbook 1983.

The relationship between CSD and the PFA should be one of mutual trust, respect, understanding and co-operation. In a sense we could look upon ourselves as a guest in another’s domain and as such should endeavour to be courteous and willing to learn. Initially one may be shocked by some of the rules and regulations and the way that they are administered, but it is wise not to make quick judgements and to realise that many have grown up over years of trying to solve problems, they are administered by people, and we may find them frustrating at times. A certain amount of frustration with going into a controlled environment is inevitable but we urge you, as we have elsewhere, that before causing any fuss about anything you please consult the Executive Committee first. If you heed this advice it may save repercussions that could adversely effect the prisoner, the CSD and the PFA. Having said this we would in no way suggest that you do nothing should you become aware of any gross injustice or other problem, please just discuss it with the Executive Committee first. A list of the members of the committee can be obtained from the FPA office.

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